Department of Chemistry

Avance Neo 400 (Waltz)

This system is located in the Chemistry '72 Wing room 1318. It has a Bruker Avance Neo console with an Ascend magnet, an automated tuning 5 mm broadband iProbe, and a 60 position SampleXpress sample changer.

VnmrS 300

NMR time on-campus is charged at $21.60 per hour on the instrument. The rate may be different for off-campus users

This system is currently being run under iconnmr, and samples are dealt with on a first come, first served basis. During prime time hours (0800-2200hrs) you may run up to 30 minutes of experiments per day. During non-prime hours (2200-0800hrs) you may run up to 2 hours of experiments per day.

Training for this system is held every Tuesday morning at 0900hrs in room 1318 of the Chemistry '72 Wing.

Users must return the NMR House Rules form for the 400's.